TC4S:\J\John Carter (\Simpler Trading - The Haystack Options Method\Slides, Chats, and Class Materials

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NameSizeDate Modified
Understanding and Applying Trade Alerts.pdf5,346 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
TopHats_Sector_SPY_Flexgrid.txt1 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Sector SPDRs + ETF Holdings_DEC17.pdf167 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Risk checklist.pdf200 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Options-Strategy-Matrix (1).pdf138 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Options 101 Intro Course - Danielle's Section.pdf691 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Live Trading Slides Final.pdf1,916 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Haystack trades - days 1-2-3.txt2 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Haystack Slides Final.pdf10,367 KB6/8/2018 7:48 AM
Haystack Notes - Darrell.txt1 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 12-20.txt132 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 12-19.txt93 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 12-18.txt116 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 12-16.txt68 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 12-16 TopHat.txt61 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM
Chat 1-10.txt74 KB6/8/2018 2:16 AM