TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Solidity & Ethereum in React (Next JS) The Complete Guide\19. [AI] Merkle Trees

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NameSizeDate Modified
7.1 Lecture Code.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
7. [AI] FInal Hash.srt12 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
7. [AI] FInal Hash.mp463,072 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
6.1 Lecture Code.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
6. [AI] RLP Merkle.srt22 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
6. [AI] RLP Merkle.mp4121,470 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5.5 Tree image.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5.4 State of Ethereum.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5.3 RLP.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5.2 Merkle Tree JS.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5.1 Lecture Code.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5. [AI] Second Node in Patricia tree.srt22 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
5. [AI] Second Node in Patricia tree.mp4129,503 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4.5 Tree image.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4.4 State of Ethereum.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4.3 RLP.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4.2 Merkle tree JS.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4.1 Lecture Code.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4. [AI] Merkle Patricia.srt32 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
4. [AI] Merkle Patricia.mp4178,952 KB9/24/2021 2:34 AM
3.1 Lecture Code.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
3. [AI] Radix Impl.srt21 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
3. [AI] Radix Impl.mp4132,309 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
2. [AI] Radix Tree.srt20 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
2. [AI] Radix Tree.mp4111,560 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
1.2 Tries.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
1.1 Merkle tries.html1 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
1. [AI] Transaction Tree.srt21 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM
1. [AI] Transaction Tree.mp4111,012 KB9/24/2021 2:33 AM