TC4S:\2022\Sasha Evdakov - Options Mastery #2 Verticals Spread V2 ( $499\03-Intro to Trading Verticals

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NameSizeDate Modified
6-Probabilities of Success, Delta, and Theta Decay.mp4161,212 KB11/11/2022 6:08 AM
5-Expected Moves and Standard Deviation.mp4196,112 KB11/11/2022 6:05 AM
4-Big Picture to Trading Vertical Spreads.mp4263,735 KB11/11/2022 6:02 AM
3-The Game of Buying Vertical Spreads.mp4237,029 KB11/11/2022 5:58 AM
2-The Game of Selling Vertical Spreads.mp4209,358 KB11/11/2022 5:54 AM
1-Intro to Vertical Spreads.mp4256,234 KB11/11/2022 5:51 AM